I have always been obsessed with helping people any way I can.

After 5 years living, working and falling in love with the Netherlands, this has become my new home. Originally I am from Melbourne, Australia and have Vietnamese heritage.

As with each one of us, I have had my own challenges and struggles. Most of my life was silently drowned in chronic depression, obesity, burnouts, injuries and crippling insecurities.

Yet, I am thankful for all of it. Since it gave me the opportunity to learn to transform pain and problems into growing with my potential.

I now have absolute certainty in the power of that special something inside of me, that is within each one of us. I trust the intelligence that regulates our entire body, that has the capacity to naturally heal ourselves, that is the “soil” of our productivity, play and purpose.

It has become my life mission to provide my clients/community with the best state of healing and growth that I can, through loving holistic chiropractic care.

I have commited the last 15 years of my life, full time, to mastering my chiropractic skills. The past 4 years I was practicing in Amsterdam, 6 years before that in a country town clinic in Australia. Originally I studied and completed the 5 year chiropractic university degree in Melbourne, Australia. I also had the privelage of volunteering as a chiropractor in remote rural villages in India.

I dedicate my continual learning by attending multiple seminars every year, that allows me to work with a spectrum of people from babies to the elderly, complex cases to sensitive individuals. I aim to adapt to each person's needs throughout the various phases of life.

Through a fluctuating routine of crossfit, yoga, pilates, meditation, these activities support me in being able to love and serve at my best.

In my spare time I compose neo-classical piano music, spend quality time with my dog, Maya (who you may meet on the odd occasion in the practice) and my fiance, Sascha. We try and prioritise time in nature to keep ourselves grounded and re-energized.

Your Chiropractor,

Gavin Tran.
B.H.Sc (chiro), Masters.Clin.Chiro. D.C.